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Aadhar card Ration Card Link Offline through Biometric Authentication – New Process

ration aadhaar link offline

The West Bengal government on 05.08.2021, released a new notification regarding the Aadhaar, mobile, and digital ration card linking process.

According to the notification, you can link your Aadhaar card with your digital ration card offline through biometric authentication.


The online portal to link Aadhaar with Ration Card is currently offline due to some technical issues.

In this article, you will get to know about the following points regarding Aadhar and ration card linked offline in West Bengal:

Now let’s see each of these points in detail…

Before applying to link your Aadhaar and Ration Card, you can verify if your Aadhaar and Mobile number is already linked with your Ration Card.

Click to see how to check if the Aadhaar is linked with Ration card in West Bengal.

If you have already verified, proceed below.


Process to link Aadhar card, Mobile number and Ration Card Offline

According to the new notification released there are two ways in which you can link your Aadhaar mobile number and ration card offline:

Though Ration Shop

One of the methods to link your Aadhar card and mobile number with your digital ration card is visiting your concerned ration shop or any other ration shop located near you.

You need to visit the ration shop with the documents mentioned below.

There you need to verify your Aadhaar card with biometric authentication, i.e., through your fingerprint. They will guide you through the entire process.

Once done, your Aadhar and ration card will be linked.

You can check and verify it later through the process already mentioned above.

Through Surveyor

According to the notification, the West Bengal Department of Food and Supplies has engaged surveyors of WEBEL technology limited for the purpose of linking your Aadhaar and mobile number with your digital ration card.

In this method also, the verification will be done through biometric authentication, i.e., through your fingerprint.


The surveyors will visit door to door to link your mobile number and Aadhar card with your digital ration card.

By following any of these processes, you can easily link your digital ration card with Aadhaar and your Mobile number offline.

The Notification is given below:

form 11
West Bengal new Aadhaar Ration Card link Notice

Documents Required to link Aadhar card, Mobile number and Ration Card Offline

You need the following documents to link your Aadhaar mobile number with ration card offline through biometric verification:

  1. Digital Ration card
  2. Aadhar card
  3. Mobile number

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Disclaimer: The Information provided above is for educational purposes only. The images used are for representative purposes only.