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Check Ration And Aadhar Card Link Status West Bengal 2024

verify aadhaar ration link

As the West Bengal government has made it mandatory to link your mobile number and Aadhar Card details with your ration card, therefore the question may arise in your mind whether your Aadhaar details are linked with your ration card or not.

Also if you have linked your Aadhar and Ration card, i.e, completed your Ration e-KYC, you can check the status of your Aadhar ration link online.


In this article, you will get to know the following details about how you can check if your Aadhar card and mobile number are linked with your ration card, i.e., check the status of your Aadhar and Ration link.

Details required to verify if Aadhaar card is linked with Ration Card in West Bengal

You need your Ration card number to verify if the Aadhaar card is linked with your Ration Card or not in West Bengal.

In case you have forgotten your ration card number, you can find it online.

Click to know the steps to find ration card number online

Steps to check Ration card and Aadhaar card link status in West Bengal

To check the status of your Aadhar – Ration card link (e-KYC),

Step 1: Go to the Official Website of the West Bengal Food Department

Check Aadhaar ration link status option
Check Ration Aadhaar linking status option
  1. Go to the official website of the West Bengal Food Department by visiting
  2. Once the website opens, click on the “Citizen’s Home” option on the left. If you are using a mobile, you will get it by scrolling down a bit.
  3. Next, click on the “Enquiry” option.
  4. Next, click on the “Check Aadhaar linking Status of your Ration Card” option.
  5. A new page will open.

(Direct Link to open the page)

Step 2: Enter your Ration Card number

Page to check Ration Card e KYC status
Ration Card e-KYC status check page
  1. After the new page opens, enter the Ration Card Number in the specified box.
  2. Next, click on the “Check Status” button.
  3. A new page will open.


In case you don’t remember your Digital Ration Card Number, you can follow the steps in this article to find it out:

Click to know the steps to find West Bengal Ration Card Number

Step 3: Verify Ration and Aadhaar link status

ration card ekyc status new
Ration card e-KYC status
  1. After the new page opens, you will see all the details related to your ration card and e-KYC status.
  2. If your e-KYC or your Aadhar-Ration link (Demo Auth) is not done, it will show as Not Done.
  3. If it shows “Done” on both, it means that your e-KYC is done successfully.


Meaning of different Aadhaar and Ration card link status in West Bengal

While checking the status of your Aadhaar and Ration card link, you might see that the status is shown in two parts, “Demo Auth” and “eKYC”.

You will see one of the three types of statuses. The meaning of each of them is provided below.

Demo Auth statusEKYC statusMeaning
Not DoneNot DoneYour Aadhaar is not associated with your Ration card and your e-KYC is not completed. You need to complete your e-KYC.
DoneNot DoneYour Aadhaar is associated with your Ration card but your e-KYC is not completed. You need to complete your e-KYC.
DoneDoneYour Aadhaar is associated with your Ration card and e-KYC is completed.

If you do not see Aadhaar details linked to your Ration Card, or your e-KYC is not verified, you can link them by following the steps given in the article: How to link Ration card and Aadhaar Card in West Bengal.

The “Demo Auth” section in the West Bengal Ration card and Aadhaar link status basically shows if any Aadhaar number is associated with your Ration card or not. This is not the status of your e-KYC.

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Disclaimer: The Information provided above is for educational purposes only. The images used are for representative purposes only.