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Again COVID-19 positive found in Durgapur? Two areas Sanitized

durgapur station bazar sanitized

Durgapur: Since April, thousands of people got affected by COVID-19 in West Bengal and Durgapur was no exception.

A few cases of COVID-19 was found in Durgapur as well. Almost all of them recovered, thanks to the treatment of the COVID-19 hospital in Malandighi.

On Monday, 15th June, some more cases of COVID-19 were found in Durgapur according to some news portals. The exact details of the affected persons are still not known.

According to the sources, on Monday afternoon, the Station Bazar area of Durgapur was sanitized by DMC.

The shops of the station bazar area was also closed for the time being.

It was also known that the 43 no.ward of DMC was also sanitized on Monday.

However, it’s not yet confirmed if COVID-19 positive patients are found in these areas.

See Video:

Video Posted on Social Media by Hemant Das

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