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Black diamond express starts operation again – See Time Table

Durgapur: After the second wave hit, almost all local trains as well as many special trains were canceled by the Eastern Railways.


But now, from Thursday, the Howrah -Dhanbad -Howrah special, also known as Black Diamond Express was brought back to operation.

The announcement was done on 23rd June by the Eastern Railways.

The Train left Dhanbad on 24th June evening. It will leave from Howrah on 25th June morning. There is a slight change in the time of departure and arrival of the train.

Instead of its usual time of leaving Dhanbad at 16:25 in the evening, the train will now leave at 16:20.

While returning to Dhanbad, the train will reach Dhanbad at 11: 18 instead of 11:10.


Howrah Dhanbad Black Diamond express new Time Table


While coming from Howrah to Dhanbad, the Train will reach Durgapur Station at around 8:57. While returning from Dhanbad to Howrah, the train will reach Durgapur Station at 18:21.


Once in operation, this train will be very beneficial for the passengers of Jharkhand as well as those in the industrial areas of Asansol and Durgapur to reach Kolkata and vice versa.

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