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Durgapur to Mumbai and Chennai Flights to resume

durgapur mumbai chennai flight

India is going through the 4th stage of lockdown.

Already many sectors including the transportation sector are loosened up by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways.

Domestic Airline Services have already started on May 21st, 2020.

Kazi Nazrul Airport, Andal, will soon restart flight services with the whole country from 28th May 2020 onwards.

For the first few days the flights will only fly only in the routes to Chennai and Mumbai.

Some rules & regulations have to be followed by the passengers while boarding at this airport too as in other Airports of India as informed by the Airlines Authority.

The current Timings will be as below

Mumbai – 11:45 AM Durgapur – 2:40 PM

Durgapur – 3:10 PM Mumbai – 6:05 PM

Chennai – 5:10 PM Durgapur 7:30 PM

Durgapur – 8:00 PM Chennai – 10:20 PM

The passengers have to report to the airport two hours before the departure time.

Wearing mask is mandatory.

The passengers from the red zones won’t be allowed to board.

Arogya Setu should be a must app installed in the phones for all the passengers above 14.

If not there, the passengers should have legal certification if they were in a quarantine period for months and were not a resident of the red zone.

The Authority conducted meetings from Friday noon before initiation of the services so that all routes are opened for flight services from 25th May.

The airlines will not only maintain services in Delhi and Hyderabad Spicejet will provide this service.

The parking avenue of Cars and vehicles and their standing in a queue all should be done maintaining social distances.

Passengers should maintain all the conditions strictly to avoid any infections.

See Full Durgapur Airport Time Table

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