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Imposters disguised as passengers are looting SBSTC Buses at Durgapur

Sbstc dgp

Durgapur: Recently several complaint have been lodged by passengers of SBSTC Buses, that they have been burgled or looted by some imposters disguised as passengers.

At City Center Bus stand, Durgapur, these imposters are targeting passengers to loot them.

Generally, nobody can ever suspect them, as they are pretty smart and are often disguised as general passengers. They even bought tickets to get on the buses.

After that they are targeting passengers to loot from. Then when the passengers are distracted or sitting in their allowed seat, their belongings are somehow getting looted and the imposters are nowhere to be seen.

Two days ago, two female imposters were caught from city centre bus stand by security guards of SBSTC. But, the activity of the gang behind it has not been diminished even after this.

On Saturday morning, in gap of no time 3 cases have been registered. Back to back burglary in quick succession has startled the authority.

As, the imposters have been seen, dressed as ordinary people, it is really hard to identify them.

Though there are several CCTV cameras in Durgapur City Centre bus stand, installation of more CCTV cameras has been promised by managing director of SBSTC Mr. Kiran Kumar.

Also, the passengers have been requested to be alert to prevent burglary and report as soon as possible to the authority.

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