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Water scarcity in Durgapur. Here’s Why!

water scarcity durgapur

Siltation in the feeder canal of Damodar has resulted in water scarcity in Durgapur even before the arrival of the summer.

This is the reason why water is being supplied only once a day to Durgapur Township and other areas near Durgapur.

Because of the siltation in the feeder canal of Damodar, the Pumping station is not getting enough supply of water. The minimum depth of the water level needed to pump the water is 3meters.

The silt formation had resulted in this depth of water to go less than that. In some places, its 2 meters and some places maybe a little more.

A meeting was done with the Officials of DVC about the matter and the process of removal of the silt and sediments from the canal had already started.

As the work of removal of the silt and sediments is being carried out from 8 AM to 5 PM, the water is getting pumped only at night. It is then cleaned and is then getting supplied in the morning to Durgapur Township.

This is the reason, water is not getting supplied in the evening.

Durgapur Municipality and Durgapur Steel Plant supply water twice a day to the Township.

Recently, the water supply to Durgapur Township is brought down to once a day.

The problem is not only being faced by Durgapur Township, but also by Durgapur Steel Plant.

After the work of removal of the silt from the feeder canal gets completed, the situation is expected to become normal and water supply will again be done twice a day.

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