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West bengal new guidelines

West Bengal govt new restrictions & guidelines – Download PDF

Kolkata: The West Bengal Government, on Monday, decided to add new restrictions for 15 days.

The new restrictions will be applicable till 15th January 2022.


A few changes have been made to the already existing guidelines and a number of new restrictions have been imposed.

Below mentioned is the list of guidelines and restrictions that will be applicable till 15th January 2022 in West Bengal in addition to the already applicable restrictions:

  1. All academic activities in schools, colleges and universities shall remain closed. Only administrative activities shall be permitted with 50% of employees at a time.
  2. All government offices including public undertakings shall function with 50% of employees at a time. Work from home shall be encouraged as far as possible.
  3. All private offices and establishments shall function with 50% of employees at a time. Work from home shall be encouraged as far as possible.
  4. Swimming pools,spas, gyms, beauty parlors, saloons and wellness centers will remain closed.
  5. All entertainment parks, zoos, tourist places will remain closed.
  6. Shopping malls and market complexes may function with restricted entry of people by not exceeding 50% of the capacity at a time and up to 10 PM.
  7. Restaurants and bars may operate with 50% of capacity at a time and up to 10 PM.
  8. Cinema halls and theatre halls may operate with 50% of seating capacity at a time and up to 10 PM.
  9. Meetings and conferences shall be allowed with a maximum of 200 people at a time or 50% seating capacity of the hall, whichever is lower.
  10. Not more than 50 persons at a time shall be allowed for any social, religious and cultural gatherings.
  11. Not more than 50 persons shall be allowed for marriage related ceremonies.
  12. Not more 20 persons shall be allowed for funeral/ burial services and last rites.
  13. Local trains shall operate with 50% seating capacity up to 10 PM only.
  14. Metro services shall operate with 50% seating capacity as per usual operational time.
  15. Movement of people and vehicles and public gatherings of any kind shall be prohibited between 10 PM to 5 AM. Only essential and emergency services shall be permitted.


The above-mentioned restrictions were published in the official notice released by the West Bengal government.

You can download the PDF version of the notice from the link provided below.

FAQs regarding new restrictions and guidelines in West Bengal

For how long are the new restrictions applicable in West Bengal?

The new restrictions in West Bengal are applicable till 15th January 2022.

Are schools closed in West Bengal?

All academic activities in schools, colleges, and universities will remain closed till 15th January 2022. Only administrative activities shall be permitted with 50% of employees at a time.

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