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Traffic Challan Payment Status check

How to Check Traffic Challan And Payment Status Online 2024

Once you make a payment of your traffic fine or challan online, you can check the status of this transaction online. If you have made the payment through someone or someplace else, you can verify the status of that transaction too.

Sometimes that payment stays pending or the gateway crashes. In these situations, we cannot determine if the payment was successful or not.


The MINISTRY OF ROAD TRANSPORT & HIGHWAYS has made it easier to check the status of your traffic fine or challan payment on your vehicle online through their official website

In this article, you will get to know the following points about how to check the status of payment of your car or bike challan or fines online,

Let’s see each of these points in detail.

Details required to check challan and payment status of any vehicle online

You need any of the following details to check the challan and payment status of any vehicle online,

  1. Challan number
  2. Vehicle number and chassis or engine number
  3. Driving licence number


Steps to check vehicle challan and payment status online

To check the payment status of your car or bike traffic fines or challan online,

Step 1: Go to the official website of Parivahan e challan

E challan option on Parivahan
The E challan option on Parivahan
  1. First, go to the official website of Parivahan at
  2. Next, click on the ‘Online Services’ option in the top menu.
  3. Next, click on the ‘eChallan’ option. A new page will open.
  4. Next, click on the ‘Get Challan Details’ option below the login section.
  5. Parivahan e challan page will open up.

(Direct link to the page)

Step 2: Enter challan or vehicle details

E Challan page on Parivahan
The E Challan page on Parivahan
  1. On the new page, enter the details of your challan.
  2. You can also enter your Vehicle number, or driving licence number.
  3. Next, enter the captcha code.
  4. Next, click on the ‘Show Details’ button.


Step 3: Check the challan payment status

  1. The details of your vehicle’s challans and fines will be displayed.
  2. Now, check the ‘Status’ section to know the status of your challan.
  3. The challan is paid successfully if it shows ‘Disposed’ in the status section.

If it shows the word ‘Verify’ in the ‘Payment Verify’ section, click on it to verify the status of your payment transaction. It will show as ‘Failed’ or ‘Success.’

By following these steps, you can easily check the status of the fines or challan payment of any vehicle online through the official website of Parivahan at

If the status is still showing pending, wait a few hours and check back. The Parivahan portal also allows you to check the status of your pending transactions directly.

(Click to Check Pending Transaction)

Once you have seen that the payment is successful, you can download the PDF of the receipt of your payment by clicking on the button below the ‘Receipt’ option.

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Disclaimer: The Information provided above is for educational purposes only. The images used are for representative purposes only.